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How Rotoscope Professionals Can Help You

Rotoscope can refer to one of two things. The rotoscope itself is a device that allows live action to be translated into cartoon animation, or edited for a specific look. Rotoscope animation is that next step, where live action is traced over to look like a cartoon. This animation style has been prevalent in many forms of media, like music videos, film, and even in some video games. The traced outline accents emotion through the face, but also allows for live action to make a break into the animated world, where some visual effects may make more sense. It's a heavily stylized form of animation, but welcomed thanks to current artistic expression.

The unique style that comes from rotoscoping evokes creativity and wonder. Rotoscope effectively creates the middle ground between reality and the surreal. The process may sound simple, but that's the magic of it all. Animators experienced in rotoscope are able to work so effectively that the effect seems effortless. They may even be able to surpass expectations and add visual effects that make the effects pop even further. If you're looking to have a fresh look on animation style, then head over to Guru to find a freelance for hire. They've got the skills you need at the price you want!

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