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How SAP Fiori Professionals Can Help You

SAP Fiori is an architecture that enables porting of applications on mobile devices. It is based on the SAP Netweaver platform. It provides applications with the capabilities to be used on Tablets, Smartphones and Desktops. It supports HTML5 and is developed on SAPUI5 interface framework. It can be run on Android, iOS as well as Windows platforms. It addresses functions such as information lookups, self-service tasks and workflow approvals. It allows users to start a process on a desktop computer and complete the task on a mobile device. There are three types of Apps and they are: Transactional Apps, Fact Sheets and Analytical Applications. On Guru, you are able to connect with skilled SAP Fiori specialists.

A freelance SAP Fiori consultant is able to design, implement as well as deploy SAP products. They are able to conduct SAP application development, integration and testing too. They work within SAP IBP modules of sales, operations and demand & supply. This could include inventory too. They are responsible for Solution Architecting the business to IBP Planning areas. This is done through process design, prototyping, evaluating, configuration as well as data modelling. They formulate a scope, the objectives to modify complex requirement of your business. They are responsible for the settings in the SAP gateway, adding OData to UI5 services, assigning of the backend role for users and the settings for the Fiori Launchpad. SAP Fiori consultants are able to assist your business by the use of the SAP Fiori apps reference library, configuration for SAP CRM and troubleshooting. You are able to connect with SAP Fiori specialists on a with the experience you’re looking for at the price you want to pay. Hire a pro today!

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