Set Designers

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Hire Freelance Set Designing Services

Set design, also known as scenic design or stage design, refers to creation of sceneries or backdrops for films, television series and plays. It aims to support content and emotions of a script through appropriate visual elements in the background. It comprises of different categories of design that define various stationary and mobile background objects. It comprises of a basic ground plan and a composite ground plan depicting immobile and mobile objects. It also includes angles of every object that needs to appear in the final video or play. If you require set designing services for a play, video or short film, you can hire set designers from any of the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru.

What Set Designers Do?

Set designers begin by analyzing a script for the type of location, time period, costumes, lighting and other props that will enhance understanding of the production. They also decide other visual elements that help the viewers get the illusion of the scene taking place with real characters and situations. These designers work closely with directors and producers of the film or play, and get a grasp of their objectives for the production. They also find out what equipment will be available for them to use on the set. Once they acquire all this information, they start creating preliminary sketches of backdrops for different scenes. This is refined in future meetings based on inputs of team members and availability of materials.

Set designers are skilled professionals who can help you define and create backdrops for different scenes in your video. You can hire set designers for fulfilling your scenic design requirements. Before you do so, you need to make sure that your freelancer has:

  • Ability to develop backdrops for different locations, situations and time periods.

  • Capability to come up with innovative visual elements that can add value to the scenes of the video.

  • Ability to collaborate with team members and incorporate their ideas into the set design.

  • Several years of experience in working as a designer for various sets.

Qualifications of Set Designers

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • Professional education and training in theatre studies, performing arts, landscape architecture and 3D design.

  • Familiarity with Adobe graphic design software programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

  • Knowledge of CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs and familiarity with AutoCAD

  • Extensive portfolio of several prior set designs with proven expertise in visual elements for defining locations and time periods

Benefits of Freelance Set Designing Services

Hire an expert for set designing and get your work done:

  • You can hire a freelancer online for preparing detailed sketches of backdrops for various scenes.

  • They can help you define the position of various visual elements on the set for adding value to the production.

  • They can also provide advice regarding costumes, color combinations and suitability of the overall theme of the set in accordance with the script.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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