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Hire a Freelance Writer for Short Stories

A short story is a piece of fiction that focuses on one particular situation, character or emotion and is meant to be completed in a single sitting. Short stories have all the components of a novel, but to a lesser extent, and their aim is to narrate a story simply, yet powerfully, so as to leave the reader feeling completely fulfilled. They are usually 1000 to 4000 words long, and short story writers experiment with different genres and literary techniques. If you have a story idea or concept that you would like to be converted into a well-written short story, you can go for a short story writer for hire who is aware of the form and style of writing and can produce engaging short stories for you.

What Short Story Writers Do?

A short story is a concisely written narrative that has a clear description of the characters, plot, events of the story and climax. Creative writers of short stories often focus on just one conflict that is central to the story and let the events unfold, moving towards the resolution of that conflict. They begin with a catchy first paragraph where they set the tone and temperament of the story, and then introduce the characters through dialogues and actions. They may provide either subjective or objective description of the characters and events, and write the story from a first or second person point of view. Short stories often end with a clear conclusion and indicate a suitable end to the character’s conflicts.

If you want to hire a freelance writer for short stories, you can connect with skilled writers on any of the top freelance marketplaces. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • A very strong command over the English language, with impeccable knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

  • Imagination and creativity, and can produce original and unique content.

  • An extensive portfolio of several short stories written in different genres and for various audiences.

Qualifications of Short Story Writers

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • A strong educational background in English, communications or creative writing

  • Excellent storytelling and creative writing skills

Benefits of Freelance Short Story Writers

If you require the services of a short story writer for hire for converting your concepts and ideas into a short story or a collection of short stories, you can connect with them on Guru where they offer their online freelance services. They have the experience of collaborating with several clients in producing short stories and have developed the expertise to write compelling stories in different categories.

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update feature helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable hours and invoices.

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