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How Socket Programming Professionals Can Help You

Socket programming is what a programmer does to make sockets functional. A socket is an internal endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. Each socket has a specific port number so that the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) layer can identify the application the data is being sent to. There are different types of sockets. Processor sockets connect the motherboard that has a CPU and forms the electrical interface and contact with the CPU. Stream sockets have guaranteed delivery. The data sent through arrives in the same order it was sent. Datagram sockets do not have a guaranteed delivery because they are connectionless. The user builds a packet of information and sends it out. Raw sockets are not intended for general use. They're for those interested in developing new communication protocols. Sequenced Packet Sockets allow the user to manipulate SPP or IDP headers on a packet or group of packets.

At, we have many talented socket programming experts who are willing to work for you. They can write programs in any programming language, such as Java. If you require a freelancer with experience in C, C++, VC++, and TCP/IP socket programming, they are here for you. They will put in time and work to ensure that your programming needs are met. They are well-qualified to answer questions, offer troubleshooting, and solve any issues. It doesn't matter what type of socket needs work, our freelancers for hire can assist with any. is the place to find the perfect freelancer for your socket programming needs.

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