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Hire Freelance SolidWorks Designers

SolidWorks is a design software widely used by engineers to enable them to create detailed drawings and blueprints for developing mechanical systems or products. Furthermore, this software is integrated with analytical tools for testing properties of mechanical equipment such as stress and tolerance. Its optimized design processes and its ability to design a product or process from scratch makes it an extremely viable option for mechanical engineers and industrialists.

What Do Freelance SolidWorks Designers Do?

SolidWorks designers are skilled professionals with deep subject matter expertise in product development and industrial processes, capable of performing 3D modeling, 2D drawing and 2D detailing. SolidWorks architectural designers closely work with architects to create floor plans and 3D blueprints for construction purposes. They can also analyze their floor plans on the basis of safety, appearance and functionality. On the other hand, SolidWorks industrial designers work on process optimization and product development for a variety of industrial manufacturing and production processes. 3D designers prefer using SolidWorks due to its simple and user-friendly interface and the flexibility it offers for modeling and detailing diagrams. For product design, SolidWorks has become the gold standard in the world of engineering and a number of professionals are choosing to provide online freelance services.

If you are looking to hire a freelance SolidWorks industrial designer or an architectural designer, make sure that your freelance SolidWorks designer has:

  • A strong knowledge of the extensive capabilities of SolidWorks for design, analysis and optimization processes.

  • Knowledge of requirement for design in various industries such as manufacturing, production, construction and interior design.

  • The ability to provide and present detailed and self-explanatory diagrams as per project requirements.

  • Familiarity with surface modeling in SolidWorks for performing organic-based designs.

Qualifications of a Freelance SolidWorks Designer

  • A strong educational background in the relevant field of engineering, architecture or interior design.

  • Strong foundational knowledge of the importance and applications of CAD and the use of SolidWorks for this purpose.

  • Experience in performing technical drawings for mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and pipe designs.

  • Experience in using SolidWorks for simulation of products and processes before taking it to the prototype stage.

  • The ability to understand instructions clearly and work with accuracy to deliver effective designs within the stipulated deadline.

Benefits of Hiring Freelance SolidWorks Designers

A number of people who are expert SolidWorks users are choosing to provide their services online at the top freelance marketplaces, so that they can acquire experience working for different sectors. If you are looking to hire freelancers for product design, SolidWorks experts will be able to add the visual details to your ideas. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in working for different clients and each project builds their portfolio along with their knowledge base.

Guru Tip:

When getting work done on Guru, the freelance marketplace platform of choice of 3 million Employers and Freelancers, you can hire multiple Freelancers for a job and assign them tasks individually in the WorkRoom. Get work done with security, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. 

Post a job for free on Guru to find a SolidWorks Designing Freelancer. 

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