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Hire Freelance Space Planning Designers

Space planning is an in-depth analysis of how physical space is used in architectural structures. It elaborates the purpose of spaces and how they will be used. It helps ensure efficient use of floor space without wasting it and if done right, it also accounts for all possible uses of a given space.  The completion of the process can result in a comprehensive space plan. A space plan is a drawing that identifies the needs and required elements of spaces, including the furniture within them. Space planning is the most basic element of the interior design process which begins with a thorough analysis of how the space is to be utilized. The space planner then draws up a plan that defines the zones of the space and the activities that will take place in those zones.

What Does a Space Planning Designer Do?

A space planning designer researches a location, considers its intended use, and prepares a plan that most effectively utilizes that space. They turn an underutilized space into a functional one. It is done through a process that takes several steps. This process is a vital element for the work of Interior Designers and architects. To have a smooth transaction, a space planner will follow a fixed set of procedures:

  • They first meet with the customer, who might be an individual doing a home renovation, someone who wants to rearrange his or her living room, or a business moving to a new location.

  • They then interview the client to gain a clear idea of his goals for the project.

  • The flow of work is observed and a number of people required and square footage inhabiting the space is calculated.

  • Other details such as the colors, furniture, fixtures, lighting requirements, flooring, equipment, and required output for the space are also decided.

To keep it all organized and to create a picture of the final design, most space planners use computer-aided design (CAD) software. This comprehensive plan is presented to the customer. Once approved, they supervise the construction or changes made to the space. Of course, they do all this while presenting progress reports to the customer and staying within budget. To ensure the project is done right, space planners use their skills in problem-solving and communication.

Qualifications of a Space Planning Designer

 It is ideal that your freelancer has the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree in architectural design or interior design and experience working in the field

  • Proficiency in Photoshop, AutoCAD, and CET Designer are typical qualifications

  • Creativity with the ability to have good professional relationships with interior design vendors, clients and architects

Benefits of Freelance Space Planning Designer

  • Taking the services of a space planner can speed up the design process, which leads to money savings while minimizing stress on top management.

  • The planner also helps reduce the amount of unwanted space, which can save you an expensive move to a larger place in the future.

If you want to hire freelance space planners, you can visit some of the best sites for freelance work like Guru and find a suitable match according to your requirements.

Guru Tip:

Before you hire a Freelancer online on Guru, see their All-Time Transaction Data to get a better understanding of their credibility, performance, and suitability for your job. All-time transaction data along with information on services and portfolio showcased by the Freelancer helps Employers make the right hiring decision on Guru. 

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