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An executive summary refers to a brief synopsis for a business report, proposal or other documents that provide a relevant overview. It needs to be short, precise and to-the-point. It also needs to cover every section of the document such that a reader can get the gist of the entire draft by reading the executive summary. It may be one paragraph to one page long and may be divided into relevant sections. This is done to aid readability such as scope, objectives, findings, recommendations and management response. If you need to hire executive summary writers for expert services for your documents, you can do so in order to ensure relevance, precision and accuracy in your executive summaries.

What Executive Summary Writers Do?

Executive summary writers take the time to go through the entire business document in detail, and highlight or mark those points that need to be included in the executive summary. They then prepare a rough draft with all these points, and work out the structure, flow and subheadings for the summary. They begin the final draft of the summary typically with an introduction to the business, especially if it is an external document. They then move on to the scope and purpose of the document, the target audience, and any other critical information included in the document. In case of internal documents, executive summaries may also have page numbers included beside subheadings, so that CEOs and managers can directly read the sections that matter to them. Some good executive summary writers may also include bullet points, flow charts or bar graphs in their summaries for easy comprehension of the document.

If you are looking to hire executive summary writers for your business documents, you can connect with skilled professionals on any of the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • Familiarity with the writing style of executive summaries.

  • Capability to effectively summarize business content into a one page long synopsis.

  • Familiarity with common business terminology and can use them appropriately in their write-ups.

Qualifications of Executive Summary Writers

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • A strong educational background in writing, journalism or communications.

  • Strong command over the English language with impeccable grammar and vocabulary.

  • Familiarity with business terminology and the context of their usage.

Benefits of Freelance Executive Summary Writers

With an increasing demand for executive summary writers for writing summaries for various business documents, a number of skilled professionals are using the best websites to find freelance work to get a freelance project. They have the experience of working with several different clients for writing their executive summaries and their cumulative expertise will enable them to help you accomplish your project objectives as well.

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SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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