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Hire a System Analyst

A system in Information Technology refers to a computer-based system that typically includes hardware, software, database and networks. A system analyst is a professional who can design, implement, analyze and maintain the information systems of an organization. They are basically responsible for evaluating the existing IT system of a company and recommending and implementing changes to make it more cost-efficient as well as productive.

What System Analysts Do?

A system analyst understands the client’s requirements and business model to evaluate the IT infrastructure and find solutions to enhance it. They may either implement changes into an existing system or develop an entirely new system. They carry out thorough research to understand the loopholes and problems in the system and make recommendations based on them. They develop a project feasibility study, calculate the potential costs involved and present the proposal to the client for approval. They then design computer applications and systems to analyze the new system. Upon analysis, if there are any discrepancies found, they correct the same and then conduct orientation and training sessions.

The role of system analyst isn’t restricted to the technical aspect of the project alone. They are also responsible for managing the entire project from inception to completion. This includes planning and budgeting, allocating resources, distributing responsibilities and framing work schedules, and deadlines. A system analyst is also responsible for ironing out any post-implementation issues that a client may have.

System analyst roles and responsibilities are further divided into three kinds of system analysts – system designers, quality assurance analysts and programmer analysts.  While the role of system analyst seems quite similar to that of software developers, there is however a difference between the two. Where software developers design the systems, system analysts evaluate the designed systems.

System analysts are seen across industries and are required to have in-depth knowledge of that particular industry. For example, a system analyst working in hospital management must have a working knowledge of the healthcare industry. Otherwise, these analysts are seen in any small or big organization having an IT infrastructure such as schools, manufacturing units, consultancies as well as Government agencies.

When looking to hire a system analyst, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Liaise with system users, programmers and vendors.

  • Adapt to different programming languages as per the project requirements.

  • Monitor user access and security.

  • Develop user manuals and train the end users on the system.

  • Trouble-shoot the newly implemented system, if need be.

  • Adhere to budget and time constraints.

Qualifications of a System Analyst

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Professional education in Information Technology/Information Systems or Management Information Systems

  • Thorough knowledge or relevant experience in business information analysis or business management

  • In-depth knowledge of different programs such as Oracle, SQL, and languages such as Java and C++

  • In-depth knowledge of web-based technologies

  • Methodical approach in problem-solving

When hiring for system analyst roles and responsibilities, ensure that their experience matches your expectations and project requirements. Also, ask for their certifications and a reference check. Guru has a number of genuine, certified system analysts who are looking to find freelance work online.

Benefits of System Analyst

Hire a freelance system analyst and get work done:

  • They try to maximize system productivity by identifying areas that are pulling the system down.

  • They are experts on the system and help familiarize others with the system.

  • They serve as an important link between clients, end users and programmers.

Guru Tip:

Before you hire a Freelancer online on Guru, see their All-Time Transaction Data to get a better understanding of their credibility, performance, and suitability for your job. All-time transaction data along with information on services and portfolio showcased by the Freelancer helps Employers make the right hiring decision on Guru. 

Find the right System Analysis Freelancer on the freelance portal, Guru, by posting a job for free.


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