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How Tax Sales Professionals Can Help You

A tax sale is the forced sale of property by a any governmental organization for unpaid taxes by the property's owner. The sale, depending on the jurisdiction, may be a tax deed sale (when the property is actually sold) or a tax lien sale (when a lien of the property is sold). When bidding on a tax lien sale, you are not bidding on the deed to the property, but on the tax debt. Basically, you are loaning money to the property owner to pay his or her taxes. Usually, the county that the house is in holds a public sale, such as an auction, for the right to collect on the taxpayer's debt.

If you are a government entity in any county within the states and there is someone defaulting on their taxes for the house, you may by right hold a tax sale to have someone pay off the taxes and own the house. The old homeowner would be forced to sell their house due to delinquent payments; as a result there are two ways of handling a tax sale. There is a tax deed sale, where someone simply buys out the property. Then there is a tax lien sale where you as a government entity will sell off a lien to the house, which is a culmination of accrued interest and delinquent taxes. You can find an expert tax sale freelancer for hire at today at the price you want and location you need!

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