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Tech Pack Design Services for Hire

A tech pack is very important for a designer as it is the blueprint that contains all the components and instructions. These instructions which are known as specification sheets are used to turn the design into a finished product. Tech pack is used in various industries as it minimizes the number of samples made and brings a product to market faster. In the clothing industry, organizations hire fashion tech pack designer to put technical inputs to collection ideas and vision.

If you are looking for a freelance tech pack designer for organizing all the details that comprise a design, you can hire a professional from some of the top online websites.

What Does a Tech Pack Designer Do?

Tech pack designers are professionals who play a key role to interpret the designer's concept into a technical package. They manufacture the package with complete information regarding product specifications and construction according to the brand standards. They are involved in measuring and preparing samples with accuracy before the final product is made. They communicate with vendors and manufacturing factories regarding contents of a tech pack, corrections to samples and patterns. 

For making technical packages incorporating technical sketches, garment construction details, grading, labeling requirements, and ticket placement, organizations hire fashion tech pack designers. Freelance fashion designers may conceptualize designs for different industries like jewelry, fashion, footwear, and many others as per required standards and latest trends.

Tech pack designers maintain and track the flow of samples to ensure the process adheres with proper specifications. You can find tech pack design services for hire on, one of the best online freelance sites. Before you appoint a freelance tech pack designer, ensure that the professional: 

  • Has knowledge of pattern making and garment construction

  • Has live model fitting experience

  • Has the ability to work and interact with multiple cross-functions

  • Should be able to understand design requirements as per project specifications

Qualification of Tech Pack Designers

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Science/Arts or its related field

  • Experience in technical designing

  • Patternmaking and garment construction knowledge

  • Live model fitting experience, working knowledge of PDM and strong PC skills

Benefits of Hiring Tech Pack Designers

  • These tech pack designers will make comprehensive and easy to read tech packs that will increase the chance for your sample to match your original vision at first go.

  • They will develop a detailed tech pack which will make it easier for you to understand the time required for making the final product and its cost. They will work on creating an accurate tech pack that will help you get accurate price estimation.

  • In case of any changes in the design, you can always refer back to the tech pack made by them to point out the mistakes and indicate how to correct them.

  • Tech packs made by these experts will serve as a master document to track product development including comments, revisions, and changes made. They will help you save time and money by having a detailed tech pack where the pitfalls will be easily avoidable and that will also track the entire process.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing on Guru. It is a shared account funded by the employer before starting work. Once employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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