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How Technical Flats Professionals Can Help You

Technical flats are a unique style of conceptual artwork, where the product is drawn as if it were lying flat. This makes it important to highlight the points where different pieces meet, and how they come together. Commonly seen in concepts for apparel design, the greatest technical flats explain the way that different fabrics or patterns will come together, and where. It also leaves room for compartments like pockets. The 2D format allows for a clearer focus on the strictly front and back facing designs, which clarifies the directive process in turning the flags into a reality, ready to be produced.

There is a lot of value in simplicity, and no other form of design speaks to that claim as well as technical flats. They are a minimalist's look at your product, showing what they would look like from a strictly 2D perspective. Now I know, why not just conceptualize in 3D, right? Here's the thing - looking in 2D pulls away all the dimensional distractions. You get to see exactly what it would look like lying flat, and see where every piece meets and assess its symmetry. Finding a freelance artist at Guru to help you visualize hear minor details can only help you grow, so name your price and hire a freelancer today!

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