Technical Illustrators

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Hire Freelance Technical Illustration Services

Technical illustration is the use of designs to visually communicate information to a nontechnical audience. It can include components of technical drawings or diagrams.  Technical illustrators create detailed drawings to help people understand complex scientific or technical information. Such illustrations are used in reference books, textbooks, instruction manuals and technical sales brochures. Technical illustration may also include production of images for multimedia software, film and television, websites and architectural visualizations. Illustrators use a variety of software programs such as AutoCAD, Photoshop, MS Office, and Adobe Flash Builder to create technical graphics.

What Does a Technical Illustrator Do?

A technical illustrator designs and creates visual representations for the products and services which are offered by an organization. The illustrations are used in technical manuals and publications. A technical drawing illustrator will use advanced design computer programs to create illustrations. Technical illustration professionals work in conjunction with design teams and technical writers to create a variety of technical drawings or diagrams. They take information from text or data and create illustrations which communicate the information effectively. Such information may include installation instructions and diagrams for a product.

Technical illustrators work in conjunction with design teams and technical writers. They produce layouts in various styles and media with their understanding of the organization and its operations. Some companies hire Adobe Illustrator Designers for their critical illustration design projects. A technical drawing illustrator designs layouts and creates graphs, maps, charts and posters as per the requirements of a project. These illustrators ensure that marketing and branding are maximized through the entire production timeline.

One of the best ways to deliver the message of your product or service to people is by hiring a freelance technical illustrator. You can avail technical illustration services for your business online on, the best place for hiring freelance work professionals. Before hiring freelance technical illustrator experts, make sure they have:

  • Ability to create 2D and 3D graphics according to publication standards and style guides.

  • Capability to create and modify drawings using AutoCAD.

  • Capability to implement best industry practices in their illustrations.

  • Capability to source relevant technical illustration content.

Qualifications of Technical Illustrators

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Communications, Computer Science, English, Business or related fields

  • Extensive experience in creating graphics

  •  Knowledge of high-quality design artifacts for various digital channels

  • Technical background in Interface Design, Graphic Design / Component Systems, Application Development and Responsive / Adaptive Design

  • Knowledge of UI/UX design

  • Great attention to detail

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Benefits of Hiring Technical Illustrators

Hire technical illustrators to get your work done and they can:

  • Incorporate editorial feedback on illustrations and make the necessary changes.

  • Deliver high-quality illustrations within your stipulated deadlines.

  • Ensure that the illustrations effectively communicate technical requirements to the appropriate audience.

  • Design illustrations from engineering drawings and actual equipment parts.

  • Help in converting photographs into line drawings and prepare exploded views of equipment for assembly instructions.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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