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Hire a Freelance Telesales Agent

A telesales agent can sell the products and services of a company to potential clients over the telephone. In some organizations, they are also known as inside sales representatives. A freelance telesales agent can either initiate sales, get leads or convert a potential client for your organization. They can also support field sales representatives by providing qualifying prospects or by setting up appointments with clients. You can also make a telesales agent perform cold calling.

What Do Freelance Telesales Agents Do?

Telesales agents contribute in generating sales for a company. They close sales deals over the phone while maintaining good customer relationships. They present products or services over the phone and also deal with customer complaints. They carry out customer service duties and let them know about new promotions that are relevant to their needs. Lead generation is an important activity that influences the success of a company. Sales experts contact those prospects who have responded to any advertising campaigns.

When you hire telesales agents on some of the top freelance marketplaces, ensure that they can:

  • Reach new or existing customers with upcoming products and services.

  • Track and make documents of sales and calls.

  • Address queries and concerns of existing customers.

  • Direct the lead to the sales team.

  • Meet monthly and quarterly sales goals.

Qualifications of Telesales Representatives

If you want to hire telesales agents, you must ensure that they possess the following qualifications:

  • Inbound and outbound call center experience

  • Customer service experience

  • Excellent interpersonal and verbal communication skills

  • Patient and persuasive personality

  • Any graduate degree

Benefits of Hiring Telesales Agents

Getting telesales agents on board can help you in the following ways:

  • By deploying freelance telesales agents, you can generate leads offline and online.

  • These agents can respond to clients who have expressed interest on your website, social media pages or to an ongoing campaign.

  • They can pass the leads to the field sales executive who can convert it into a sale. Using the skills of a telesales agent, you can get more leads for your business.

  • With telesales agents for hire, you can utilize their services for existing and prospective customers facilitating direct and indirect sales.

  • If you opt for telesales agents for hire, they can also carry out customer service duties for you. They can call customers, make databases and take feedback for your products and services.

  • You can also utilize them in after-sales activities. The customers can reach them for queries after buying a product or service.

  • With such a strong and professional sales team, you can increase your brand popularity and benefit with higher customer retention.

  • Telesales agents can also process repeat orders with the intent of getting more business. They can offer related and new products lines generating more sales and profits.

  • Using telesales agents, you can free your field sales team to get new clients, while this in-house team gets you more business from the existing client base.

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update feature helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable hours and invoices.

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