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Before you start trading in stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, bonds, foreign exchange (forex), futures, options, and certificates of deposit (CDs), you need to study the market to identify the most effective trading processes and tools available to make your investments safer and more successful. Currently, there are numerous trading platforms that you can trade on, including Thinkorswim.

If you wish to trade on Thinkorswim, you need to find a qualified Thinkorswim developer to help you set up and customize your trading account using the available trading tools. So, how do you find the right Thinkorswim programmer for your trading project?

What Is Thinkorswim?

Thinkorswim, a product of TD Ameritrade, is one of the popular trading platforms that’s available in desktop, mobile, and web versions to cater to the needs of every trader. The mobile version is an app that can be installed on Android, iPhone, Smartwatch, and tablets, while the desktop version comes as downloadable software. Although each of these versions has its unique features and capabilities, they’re all designed to help you trade in stocks, ETFs, bonds, mutual funds, CDs, forex, and more on Thinkorswim.

Is Thinkorswim Free?

Although Thinkorswim isn’t entirely free, it doesn’t charge data and platform fees. It charges $0 commissions on all U.S. exchange-listed stocks, American and Canadian ETFs, and options. However, it charges a $0.65 per-contract fee on options trades. The platform also charges a $6.95 commission on all over-the-counter stocks that haven’t been listed on the U.S. exchange and a $25 fee on all broker-assisted trades.

One of the main benefits of using this trading platform is that you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your investments are safe. Because the platform is owned by TD Ameritrade, which is a brokerage and investment adviser firm and a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), you’re assured of full protection against any loss of funds and securities. The SIPC protects traders against any loss of up to $500,000 if their brokerage firm collapses.

TD Ameritrade offers an asset protection guarantee and undertakes to refund its customers any funds and securities lost through fraud–these measures are meant to put your mind at ease when using its trading platform. It’s important to note that this trading platform is suitable for all traders and investors, as its wide variety of features and tools make it ideal for both experienced and novice traders and investors.

Currently, the platform has over eleven million active client accounts and more than $1 trillion in assets. Its all-inclusive design makes it perfect for beginners and advanced traders and provides users with all the necessary tools to perform both basic level and complex level tasks with ease. So, whether you are looking for a trading platform that will enable you to perform a deep-and-broad, four-month, four-strike, twofold diagonal range straddle-strangle exchange, this platform will help you do so quickly and successfully.

The platform offers financial literacy facilities for self-directed investors, such as trading tools and analytics. It also features several investor training products in various interactive delivery setups, such as in-person sessions, live charts, email support, one-on-one courses, online group training sessions, phone calls, and instructor-directed recurring and asynchronous online programs. You need an experienced Thinkorswim programming specialist to help you utilize this trading platform optimally for a successful investment–a programmer knows how to use all the available trading tools and features to deliver the best results.

How to Hire a Thinkorswim Developer for Your Project

TD Ameritrade offers its customers who use Thinkorswim an authoritative and adaptable programming tool known as the ThinkScript language. This is an embedded programming language that enables you to incorporate your insights and tactics into over 300 built-in ones–you can even place its values in your own scripts.

To perform these tasks successfully, you’ll need to hire a qualified and experienced Thinkorswim programmer for your project. Thankfully, you can now find numerous developer who are fully conversant with this trading platform on reputable freelance job sites, such as Guru. Here are the important steps to follow when hiring a developer for this trading platform:

  • Develop a clear and comprehensive project description: Your description should help you weed out unqualified programmers. Make sure it clearly spells out the scope of work that needs to be done and the level of expertise needed.

  • Choose a reliable freelance job site like Guru to post your job description: You can even contact prospective programmers on the job site directly to invite them to apply for the job.

  • Once you start receiving project proposals from interested programmers, check their introductory texts to determine their eligibility. Use these texts to shortlist the most qualified applicants.

  • Contact the shortlisted applicants to set up interviews: Make sure you already have a set of interview questions that will help you to determine the suitability of each interviewee.

  • Conduct the interviews and choose the most promising applicant.

What to Look for in a Developer

Although countless freelance developers are looking for jobs online, not all of them can provide you with the kind of services and work quality you need. So, thoroughly review your shortlisted applicants before you make a choice. Here are several important qualities of a good Thinkorswim developer you should look for:

  • They must have experience coding and programming indicators and strategies for ThinkScript.

  • They should understand ThinkScript and other programming languages like Javascript.

  • They must be able to develop an annual volume profile value area, basic market structures, and auto-wave indicators.

  • A good TOS programmer should be able to develop a customer scanner for your platform.

  • They should have basic training in IT and have good communication skills.

  • They should be able to integrate your trading platform with a menu toggle profile, desktop menu toggle, and menu toggle trading tools.

Interview Questions for a TOS Developers

  • How do you develop a strategy with Thinkscript?

  • What is a Thinkscript tech indicator?

  • How do you set Alerts with Thinkscript?

  • Can you use Thinkscript Constants?

  • What are Thinkscript fundamentals and how do you use them?

  • Which database do you use and where is the data stored?

  • What’s your favorite source control?       

  • Have you handled similar projects before?

  • How much money do you hope to get for this job?

Guru’s got you covered with a wide array of experienced, professional Thinkorswim developers –find your perfect candidate with Guru today!

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