Find and Hire Video Game Music Composers

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Hire Freelance Video Game Composers Online

Video Game music composers are musicians who compose an original piece of music, either vocal or instrumental to be featured in a video game. They create all the background music that plays throughout the game and direct how music will be used in the game.

What Do Freelance Video Game Composers Do?

On a typical day, a video game music composer goes through the game specs and determines what music needs to go where. They will watch the game to see what’s happening onscreen and create music that brings up the appropriate emotions to match the situation. Besides this, game music composers also conduct extensive research to seek market trends and incorporate them into their music compositions.

A freelance video game music composer composes different kind of game music, such as extra-diegetic music - music that is added to a scene purely to enhance the emotions that the player should be feeling. A freelance video game music composer may also provide other services such as project management, sound design and editing, voice directing, implementation and general consulting. A freelance video game music composer works in tandem with video game designers and developers. Game designers design the structure of the game and develop its layout whereas game developers are professionals who write code for games for a variety of platforms.

You can find freelance video game music composers through a freelance marketplace company like Guru.

If you are looking to hire a freelance music game video composer, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Create original music pieces for gaming titles.

  • Transcribe or record musical ideas into notes on scored music paper.

  • Create musical and tonal structure, applying elements of music theory, such as instrumental and vocal capabilities.

Qualifications of Freelance Video Game Music Composers

It is ideal for your freelance video game music composers to have the following skills:

  • Passion for video games

  • Experience composing music for games

  • Knowledge about the different types of game genres

  • Familiarity with popular recording software like Logic and Pro Tools

  • Ability to record equipment or access to recording equipment

  • Proficiency with multiple instruments is beneficial

When hiring a freelance video game music composer, it would be helpful to see their past experience and take a look at their portfolio. It’ll help you gauge the strengths and weaknesses of the composer as well as see whether the composer is a good fit for the job.

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Video Game Music Composers

Freelance game music composers typically take on only a couple of projects at a time and are thus able to dedicate their time and efforts wholly to a client. They also have a wide network and are game development and can thus package their offerings.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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