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How VLOOKUP Professionals Can Help You

Vlookup is an arrangement used in computer programming that holds pre-calculated values. This function is used in computer programs such as MS Excel, Google Sheets and Open Office. The table is populated manually and can also be calculated as the program calculates it. The information is stored and when needed at a later stage, the program will look up the info. The “V” in Vlookup represents vertical and therefore the lookup is a vertical search in a single column. When the Vlookup function is required, Excel looks for a “lookup” in the table array. This array is found in the left hand column. The function returns another value that is determined by the column index number. Formulating equations are easily done by freelance spreadsheet specialists found on Guru.

Vlookup is not case sensitive and therefore works well when you are searching for information and are not sure whether the information is in lower or upper case. This function allows you to find exact matches as well as approximate matches. If you are only looking for an exact match, then you can force Vlookup to complete an exact match only. This is the case for approximate matches too. If you’re looking to merge data from different tables, then this function is capable of doing just that. Applying arbitrary categories to data records can be done by a Microsoft excel pro. This means that your data can be classified just the way that you want it to be. If you need to search through a spreadsheet with large amounts of data, then using this function will save you time. is home to many masterminds that formulate your spreadsheets accurately and know how to search existing data for the exact information you need. Hire a freelancer specialist in spreadsheet tricks today!

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