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Hire Voice Over Artists for Acting, Ads, or Another Project

Whether it be animated movies, podcasts, game shows, advertisements, or radio programs, the success of the project depends significantly on the quality of voice over incorporated. In all the above-mentioned multimedia content, there are no human actors or performers to carry the burden on their shoulders. The only way to captivate the attention of the audience is through a quality voice actor for your project. Presently, almost 44% of voice over jobs are being performed by female performers, while 56% are being handled by male voice artists.

In the last few years, there has been a rapid rise in the demand for voice over artists and their services. This demand has been fueled by an increase in consumption of multimedia content by the users. With the swift progress of technology, several new avenues are opening up for freelance voice over artists in e-learning, artificial intelligence, and voice assistants. As per a report published by Business Wire, 60% creatives revealed that they prefer working with freelancers offering voice over services. Another interesting trend revealed in the report is that 91% of creatives prefer using human voice over synthetic voice for their project.

Voice Over Artists and Animators – a Match Made in Heaven

Whether it be animated movies, series, or video games, animated content is being consumed in large volumes by audiences. As a result, demand for voice over artists and animators is growing simultaneously, as these two skills are complementary to each other. While the animator sheds their blood and sweat to give a shape to the creative team’s ideas, the voice over artist works in close collaboration with the animator and lends voice to the creation of the animator as per the satisfaction of the production house. With the demand for animated content on the rise, opportunities for voice acting professionals to build their career and offer voice over services in the animation industry will also rise steadily.

What Do Voice Over Artists Do?

Voice over is described as an off-stage and off-camera dialogue. Herein, a voice over artist uses their voice which is used in professional work. The intended audience is able to hear the voice but is unable to see the voice over artist performing that work. Voice over artists are given a script, along with detailed instructions, which they have to read in front of the microphone, as per the wishes of the project team.

Many times, voice over artists must change their voice or tonality to meet the requirements of the project. Their voice is then used independently or in combination with other voices for various animation jobs. Production teams hire a voice over artist for a variety of reasons like audience preference, demand of the work, popularity of the artist, etc. The remuneration for a particular job depends on a variety of factors such as the popularity of the artist, time required, production budget, etc.

One of the most efficient ways to enhance the impact of your project is to avail the services of a freelance voice over artist. You can hire skilled freelancers as voice actors on Guru.com, which is one of the leading online freelance websites. Before you make a final talent decision, here are some key skills that the freelance voice actor must possess:

  • Clarity and consistency in the voice are essential to upholding the quality of the project.

  • Capability to work in a team of artists and in an environment filled with different artists.

  • Must have a high confidence level to modulate the voice according to the demand of the situation.

  • Capability and talent to visualize himself/herself as the character he/she is acting for.

Qualifications of Voice Over Artists

When you are looking to hire a voice over artist from Guru.com, you need to ensure that the voice actor possesses the following essential qualification(s):

  • While no formal qualification is required to become a voice over artist, experience and talent as a stage performer is desirable.

  • Must have strong networking skills to collaborate with fellow performers working on similar projects.

  • Previous experience of working in a movie, animation show, or other live events is essential.

  • Excellent command over the English language is a prerequisite. Must have professional-level control over modulation, pronunciation, and tonality.

Voice-over artist casting can be challenging. But with a variety of freelance voice actors on Guru, you are sure to find the right artists you need for your project.

Benefits of Hiring Voice Over Artists

The following are the major benefits that hiring voice over services offer your projects:

  • Artists have the necessary skills to deliver the performance as per your requirements and within your budget.

  • Having a professional voice over artists enhances the impact of your online and offline video content.

  • They can complete their work in a quick time allowing timely release of the project.

  • They will convert the voice file into your desired format and deliver it through your preferred medium.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the employer before starting work. Once SafePay is funded, employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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