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Hire Website Hosting Services

What Is a Web Hosting Service?

Web hosting is a service that is used for publishing a website or webpage of an organization on the World Wide Web. This service makes websites accessible on the internet by providing necessary technologies and tools. Good website hosting services offer fast load times and unlimited bandwidth. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server to get a website hosted, live and ready for visitors. Servers are special computers which are used for website hosting or website storage. Internet users can view a website by typing the address or domain in their browser. Webpages are delivered through the browser as the user's computer gets connected to the respective server. You can find some of the best website hosting services on the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru.

What Do Web Hosting Experts Do?

Web hosting experts are professionals who host a website. They work to get a website active and live on the internet. They may also help in choosing the best web hosting company for your web portal services. Web hosting experts make sure they have a fast internet connection for providing the best website hosting services. These service providers work on all the three areas viz., domain, DNS, and hosting. They help in setting up custom domain names on DNS servers which help to identify your website. Web hosting experts allow you to buy your domain names from providers and keep your site up and running. They keep track of all the HTML files, CSS files, images and photos. Web hosts also work alongside web developers for hosting websites built using technologies such as HTML, Rest APIs or other coding languages. Alternatively, web hosting professionals may use website builder tools such as cPanel, Wordpress or BoldGrid for putting your site together.

 If you are looking for some good website hosting services for building, maintaining or troubleshooting hosting environments for your business, you can turn to, one of the best websites to hire freelancers. Before hiring web hosting professionals, ensure that they can:

  • Perform server administrative tasks

  • Be familiar with web hosting technologies

  • Perform network administration tasks such as DNS and IP subnetting

  • Troubleshoot DNS, FTP and SSH problems

Qualifications of Web Hosting Services Experts

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering or  a related field

  • Expertise in server virtualization software like OpenVZ or Onapp

  • Excellent understanding of Cloud-based services like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud

  • Hands-on experience in web hosting tools like The Website Grader, Wordpress, CPanel and others

Benefits of Hiring Website Hosting Services Professionals

Hire website hosting freelancers to get your work done and they can:

  • Provide round the clock technical support for resolving major issues and ensure that your website loads quickly

  • Provide you with unlimited space which you can upgrade or downgrade according to the needs of your business

  • Undertake multiple security measures for keeping your website as secure as possible

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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