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How WordPress Installation Professionals Can Help You

WordPress is a free open source CMS tool that allows users to own blogs, business websites and e-commerce stores. WordPress installation is the process of uploading files to your server, using a file transfer protocol (FTP). A MySQL database is created as well as a user for WP. Once the application is configured, WordPress is installed. This does not mean that it is setup, as this need to occur once WP is installed on your computer or mobile device. Hiring the services of a freelance WordPress expert enables you to successfully get your application installed. On Guru, you have access to numerous WP specialists.

A skilled WordPress specialist is able to ensure that your web server has access to FTP, provided by your web hosting service provider. Creating a database with a desired name is done easily by a WP developing expert. By entering unique keywords for each authentication keys, provides added security to your website. WP experts know how to navigate the WordPress secret key generator in order to provide added security. Once the installation is done, setting up by creating a username, website title, password and primary email address is important. A freelance WordPress installation expert is able to complete these tasks on your behalf. On Guru, you have access to numerous experts to get your website started at the right price for you.

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