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How XHTML Professionals Can Help You

XHTML is an acronym for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. You will notice that it is also a combination of two of the foundational languages in programming: HTML and XML. As it adheres more closely to XML, it falls underneath that umbrella of languages. Essentially, it gives a bit more rigid skeleton to develop within, which is really nice for those that need the extra guidance. This means that there is less room for error, as HTML is a pretty flexible language that leaves room for a lot of creative liberties. By incorporating XML's rules, webpages can reflect a more dignified and powerful structure, with less room for minor oddities and irregularities.

When two already established entities join forces, it is a beautiful and powerful thing. That is exactly what XHTML is; it’s the joining point between the free and limitless markup language HTML, and the strict, professional XML. They both bring their strongest qualities to the table, but having the creativity of HTML with the structure of XML means that your webpages will run seamlessly with little errors in sight, if any. Find a freelancer for hire at that can use XHTML to make your webpage strong, secure, and still maintain a personality. The partnership you create allows you and your brand to continually grow.

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