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A Single Platform for all school students

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    • Requirement : To develop a System which manages different schools data on a single platform. 

      My Role : Developed the complete application from scratch. :
      - Designed the layout of frontend and backend.
      - Designed the DFD(Data flow diagram) and database of complete system.
      - Developed two different backend interface, one for school admin and another for site admin. 
      - Site Admin Interface Manages all the schools.  
      - School Admin Interface manages students personal details, attendance, result, monthly fee, annual progress. 
      - Frontend User has a login. It has career suggestion for students, monthly fee deposition status, result details, career news, notice for students etc.
    • Requirement : To develop a System which manages different schools data on one platform. 

      My Role : Developed the complete application from scratch. :
      - Designed the layout of frontend and backend.
      - Designed the DFD and database of complete system.
      - Developed two different backend interface, one for schools and another for admin. 
      - Admin Interface Manages all the schools. - School Interface manages students personal details, attendance, result, monthly fee, annual progress. 
      - Frontend User Section displays Career Suggestions for students, monthly fee deposition status, result details, career news, notice for students etc.
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TGAYS Technology Pvt Ltd
TGAYS Technology Pvt Ltd
New Delhi, Delhi, India Past Earnings