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Character Design

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    • An updated design of a character for a more matured appearance. 2016.
    • Designs meant to give the idea of an 'anthropomorphic god' type of theme with clothing showing specific cultural backgrounds to them. 2016.
    • Concept art for armor meant to look both efficient and memorable. 2016
    • Early concept art of an antagonistic character. Design is meant to appear monstrous and show hints of mannerisms. 2013.
    • Early facial and clothing design of a main character of a story. 2015.
    • Clothing update on an established character. 2015.
    • Armor design for an established character. Focus was memorability of the appearance and apparent efficiency. 2014.
    • Design and color scheme of two characters sharing similar motifs. 2016.
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    Concept Art


    Character Design


    Sketch Art

Sharisse Anne Rourke
Sharisse Anne Rourke
Yamhill, OR, USA