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Create a Stylish and Respectable Website for a Consulta

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    • Project description

      The goal of this project is to update and modernize the website design and layout. The new website should be a lead-generating consulting one. The website should be user-friendly and easy to use.

      Summary of Work Completed:
      ● Created and designed the home page, individual services page, corporate services page, about page, team page, and podcast page.
      ● Organized the podcast that has 84 episodes.
      ● Created a few Zoho forms in line with the theme of the website
      ● Integrated google analytics, Zoho Marketing Hub, Facebook Pixel, Leadquizzes, and other analytical tools.

  • Related Services

  • Skills & Industries



    Web Design

    Web Development

    Conversion Design

    Landing Page

    Responsive Design


Loieto Tugas
Loieto Tugas
Iligan City, Northern Mindanao, Philippines ID Verified