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Gospelove Script

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      This is an urgent message for you! Marriage in the church is under severe attack! The divorce culture is

      waging war on faith-based marriage like never before in the history of the church. The divorce rate in

      the church is as high as it is in the world. If you’re not incorporating Gospelove’s faith-based marriage

      message and methods into your marriage ministry, you run the risk of the divorce culture infiltrating the

      church, destroying marriages, and devouring your church community as a whole.

      The divorce culture has created a paradigm shift amongst married couples in the church, causing

      division, emotional pain, and hopelessness, which leads to non-married members leaving the

      congregation. The threat of losing members puts a strain on the ministry which leads to:

       The church losing impactful leaders that played an intricate part in helping establish the

      foundation of the ministry.

       Economic hardships due to divorce produces a decline in tithing and offerings, which affects the

      vision of the senior leader and the ability to facilitate youth activities, coordinate outreach

      programs, or even permanently closing its doors for good.

      IMAGINE focusing on your passion of leading people to God, while being provided a service that will

      defeat the divorce culture and produce healthy marriages, which will produce a healthy church. This will

      grow your congregation both in quality and quantity. A service that will guarantee marriage mastery will

      be more than enough for couples to meet the demands of marriage and live in the power of oneness,

      demonstrating the transformational power of love that never fails to the entire congregation. That

      service is Gospelove.

      Gospelove is led by faith-based marriage coaching expert, Demeris Johnson (Coach D). Demeris has 27

      years of experience in being married to Leslie and over 22 years of marriage coaching. The Lord has

      given Coach D a revelation of love and marriage that has led couples into marriage mastery.

      Exclusive Access to Gospelove’s array of services includes:

       Heroic Husbandry Academy will empower husbands to meet the demands of marriage, which

      consists of discovering the intricacies of establishing a culture of love and instituting a oneness

      with your spouse that will produce wealth for generations to come.

       Wonderous Wivery Academy teaches wives to follow God’s mandate of showing reverence to

      the husband, as the husband submits to Christ. Wives will learn the keys to a culture of love

      which consists of being an incubator, receptor, and multiplier. Wonderous Wivery Academy will

      challenge wives to see themselves as virtuous women that will always honor and serve the

      Lord. Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the

      Lord is to be praised.

       Marriage Mastery University will supply marital couples with the tools to develop

      communication skills that are edifying, grace filled, and honorable. Couples will learn wealth

      creation strategies on how to make, manage, and multiply money. Couples will have a deeper

      physical, emotional, and spiritual trust for their spouse.

      As a bonus, all couples that participate in the workshop will have access to our Coffee in the

      Morning Club, which is an online interaction (via zoom) community that meets Monday,

      Wednesday, and Friday from 8am to 9am (EST). Coffee in the Morning Club is where married

      couples and unmarried men and women learn the keys, principles, strategies and solutions to

      making marriage magnificent and healthy.

      REMEMBER! God never intended marriage to be hard.

      Jesus said, in Matthew 11:30, “My yoke is easy and my burdened is light”. It’s time to divorce our

      mindset from the divorce culture philosophies, embrace the faith-based method of the Kingdom,

      renew our minds about marriage and to think like Christ!!!

      If you would like to hear more about Gospelove’s faith-based marriage methods and want to

      establish the culture for marriages to thrive in your congregation, please contact:

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Menelek Clayton
Menelek Clayton
Elkton, MD, USA