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HR Portal

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    • The client required an HR portal that enabled the employees to do the following:

      • Maintain their profiles
      • Contribute to and read Internal Blogs
      • Stay up to date with the latest news and events within the company
      • Keep a track of their Trainings and those of their peers
      • Receive notifications for training
      • Send and Receive Internal messages and online chat

      I developed the portal using MVC framework in Backend development was done using MS SQL Server, while front end was developed using Bootstrap and Jquery. Chat feature was developed using signalr.

      It took me 4 months for the development to complete. The portal was very well received thought the company and the client was completely satisfied by the project. It had a significant impact on the employee engagement within the company and had a positive effect on employee retention.

    • Dashboard
    • Employee Dashboard
      Employee Dashboard
    • Employee Profile
      Employee Profile
  • Related Services

  • Skills & Industries



    Microsoft SQL Server

    Twitter Bootstrap

Salman Ahmad.
Salman Ahmad.
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan