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I was asked to do a complete inventory of a mobile e-wallet application (Android, iOS swift) including the corresponding API and control panel (CakePHP), including connectivity to third-party providers, tech stack, hosting, etc.After that I was tasked to lead the complete development of the project, for which I am building a team of developers to fix discovered issues and to prepare the application for public release.In order to do so I implemented a development process, moving the source code into a source control system (GitLab), introducing to work with branches (GitLab Flow with environment branches), adding database migrations, dotenv-based configuration, enabling the use of different environments (such as development, test, production), configuring automated deployments and adding Docker configuration to be able as a new developer to quickly start with development.Furthermore, I am also responsible for deploying, maintaining and monitoring the server infrastructure in AWS using Ansible.(PHP, MySQL, CakePHP; ansible, Docker, GitLab, git, Trello; AWS, Linux, Mac OS X)
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