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Project objective: to develop a new site-catalogue for 'MiGran' company, that specializes in products made of artificial stone. The main issue was to systematize all the available materials and convince the client to make an order. So, the task was to build a clear path for the client when choosing and estimating the costs of the desired product.
Our strategy:
-Assessment of competitors. Creation of the client's own logical path on the site based on the audit.
-Preparation of technical specifications together with the client to select the optimal solution with opportunities for further changes and improvements. -Development of the site structure and landing pages.
-Adaptation of the template to the corporate style of the company.
As a result, we organized a convenient product catalog, brought all landing pages to a single system, structured the menu and displayed important information not only on production, but also on related services - delivery, installation, maintenance, etc.
1. Developed the menu structure. The task was not easy, since it was necessary to build a logical chain, not only highlighting the main info, but also suitable for further promotion of the site (i.e., create all the necessary landing pages).
2. Main page
3. Landing pages. In fact, these are the most important pages of the site, containing everything you need to select a product.
4. Product card. An important attribute for a site selling artificial stone products is a catalog of already completed projects with a detailed description. This clearly demonstrates the experience and qualifications, skills of craftsmen and designers. Moreover, it helps clients decide on the color, shape and approximate cost.
5.Blog about artificial stone products
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