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Portfolio for Brochures

2 of 10
    • 41.jpg One page brochure design and layout
      41.jpg One page brochure design and layout
    • 212.jpg 11 x 17, bi-fold marketing folder used to promote particular client at trade shows and exhibits.  This was developed to be printed on a standard printer, but designed to still look great!
      212.jpg 11 x 17, bi-fold marketing folder used to promote particular client at trade shows and exhibits. This was developed to be printed on a standard printer, but designed to still look great!
    • 201.jpg This was developed for a lawyer client of mine to help in the awarness of nursing home abuse.  I developed this brochure using two color spot process.
      201.jpg This was developed for a lawyer client of mine to help in the awarness of nursing home abuse. I developed this brochure using two color spot process.
    • 51.jpg Tri fold, large promotional brochure
      51.jpg Tri fold, large promotional brochure
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York, PA, USA Past Earnings