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profit and loss statements

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    • I am a skilled and certified bookkeeper proficient in QuickBooks Online, Xero, and Zoho. With expertise in preparing Profit and Loss Statements, I offer comprehensive financial insights for businesses. As a full-charge bookkeeper, I ensure accurate recording and categorization of income and expenses. My expertise allows me to analyze financial data, track profitability, and provide valuable recommendations. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality bookkeeping services, I am an ideal choice for businesses seeking reliable financial management. Hire me to enhance your financial efficiency and make informed decisions for your company's success. #BankReconciliation; #MicrosoftExcel; #AccountingSoftware; #AccountsReceivable; #AccountsPayable; #TransactionDataEntry; #AccountingBasics; #QuickBooks; #BalanceSheet; #Bookkeeping; #FinancialReporting; #Accounting; #Xero; #IntuitQuickBooks; #FinancialAccounting; #CustomerService; #DataEntry; #ZohoBooks; #NumericFluency; #FinancialAnalysis; #InternationalFinancial #ReportingStandard; #FinancialModeling; #InventoryManagement; #QuickBooksOnline; #CashFlowAnalysis; #AccountsReceivableManagement; #AccountReconciliation; #AccountsPayableManagement; #DataAnalysis; ; #Invoicing; #TaxPreparation; #AuditPreparation; #CashFlowStatement

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    Profit and Loss Analysis

    Quickbooks Online

    Accounting For Small Businesses

    Accounts Payable

    Accounts Receivables

    Accounts Reconciliation

    Financial Statement


    Quickbooks Expert


    Report Generation

    Tax Analysis

Shakila Bano 28
Shakila Bano 28
Zulfiqarabad Jutial Gilgit, Northern Areas, Pakistan