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Published Academic Projects

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    • 2013: News reading; Content production; Research on issues affecting the youth.

      2013 – 2014: Communications and Engagement Committee Member: Planning and implementation of the Communications Strategy for Goodyear South Africa; Wellness Committee Member; Writing of speeches for the MD; Launched the TrenTyre Empowerment Trust quarterly Newsletter; Communications Advisor for the TrenTyre Empowerment Board of Trustees.

      2015: Coordinated a MISTRA social cohesion roundtable which Former President Kgalema Motlanthe, held at Constitution Hill, 5 November 2015.

      2015: Facilitator for MISTRA: Strategy Planning workshop for the Department of Public Services and Administration.

      2015: Sub-edited and launched published Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) research publications:

      o Twenty Years of Democracy – So Where to Now?

      o Earth, Wind and Fire: Unpacking the Political, Economic and Security Implications of the Discourse on the Green Economy

      o The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus

      2015 – 2016: Committee Member: Conference of the Armed Struggle, held at the University of Witwatersrand, 23 – 25 November 2016.

      2016: Researcher and Committee Member: African Millennial Dialogue Research Report at Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA), held at Wits Club, 20 May 2016.

      2016: Publications Committee Member - Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection


      2016: Project managed the Annual Report for 2015/2016.

      Sub-edited and launched Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) research publication:

      o The Great Recession And Its Implications for Human Values: Lessons for Africa – secured a chapter contribution from Former President Thabo Mbeki

      o Changing Economic Balances in Africa

      2017- current: planning and implementation of publishing communications strategy, social media management and marketing

      2017: Project managed and published a research publication titled Political Parties in South Africa – Do they Undermine or Underpin Democracy?

      2018: Project managed and published a research publication titled Africa At A Crossroads

      2018: Project managed and published a research publication titled Forum on

      China-Africa Cooperation - Industrialisation and Agricultural Modernisation

      2018: Project managed and published a research publication titled Belt and Road Initiative - Alternative Development Path for Africa

      2018: Project managed and published a research monograph titled Economic Development, The Role of Developmental State – South Africa and South Korea

      2019: Co-Project managed and published the Sam Tambani Biography

      2019: Co-Project managed and published Africa A to Z Continental & Country Profiles, 4th Edition.

      2019: Co-Project managed and published The Green Building Evolution.

      2020: Project managed and published the Mpumalanga Economic Regulator Report on Socio-Economic Impacts of Liquor in Mpumalanga Province

      2020: Project managed and published the Africa Insight Journal - Issue 49(4)

      2020 – current: Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) Scholarly Committee Working Group Member: Open Access

      2020: Project managed and published Black Womanism in South Africa: Princess Emma Sandile

      2021: Project managed and published HSRC English-IsiXhosa Maths Dictionary: Grade R to Grade 9. This is the first bilingual publication that the HSRC Press has successfully produced.

      2021: Project managed and published Indigenous Systems and Africa’s Development

      2021: Successfully developed a strategy why the business needs to utilise digital platforms for commercial purposes and expand to e-publications.


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Siphokazi Mdidimba 1
Siphokazi Mdidimba 1
Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa