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Scraping Ebay Store

1 of 3
    • Simple Tire eBay Store
      Simple Tire eBay Store
    • Product Page Containing Data
      Product Page Containing Data
    • I scraped product data from three eBay stores selling tires: Simple Tire, Disount Tire, and Priority Tire. Each store had 10 pages of products to scrape, and each page had ~20 different products to scrape. Since there were over 500 products to scrape, I used made the script run asyncronously using Python's Asyncio library to speed up both the HTTP requests as well as the parsing of the HTML. I extracted the MPN (Manufacturer Part Number), UPC (Universal Product Code), Price, and which eBay store the product was listed on for each of the products. Once I had collected all of the data, I used the Pandas library in Python to aggreagate the data into a single location and eventually save it to the excel file.

    • Excel File With UPC, MPN, and Price for over 500 tires on eBay
      Excel File With UPC, MPN, and Price for over 500 tires on eBay
  • Related Services

  • Skills & Industries

    Web Scraping

    Data Entry

    Data Extraction



    Asynchronous I/O

    Data Mining

    Microsoft Excel

    Python Script


    Web Crawling

    Data Scraping

Trevor Braico
Trevor Braico
New Lenox, IL, USA