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Social Gift-Giving Platform

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    • A platform where you and your loved ones can create wishlist and gifting groups, browse thousands of high-quality products, and even share the costs of gifts at checkout.

      The client's goal was to convert an elegant and terrific Figma design to the pixel-perfect and well optimized website is mobile-friendly accordingly to modern web development requirements.

      As well, another one was to build the something like e-commerce ecosystem and business logic for managing the products, orders, customers, themes and the stuff like that.

      This site was built with React/Next.js to improve the search engine optimization and increase the performance score, Vimeo to provides the high-quality video experience to the customers and the combination of Styled-Components and Tailwind CSS to implement the variety of well-designed user interface as well as Vercel to deploy it on.

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Maksym Portianchenko
Maksym Portianchenko
Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Ukraine