? Experienced Architect, Sr Big Data Consultant & Developer with 13+ Yrs IT consulting, and extensive experience in Hadoop/Big data, Spark with Python, Scala development. ? Expertise in Hadoop eco-system like HDFS, Hive, Spark Streaming, SparkSQL, Map Reduce, HBase, Cassandra, Sqoop, Kafka, Impala, Airflow, Oozie, Talend exposure on Flume for Big Data Analytics in various domains include Oil & Gas, Finance, Telecom and Manufacturing. ? Expertise in Cloud computing like AWS, Microsoft Azure HDInsight. ? Strong exposure on Splunk for capturing, indexing, and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards, and visualizations. ? Expert knowledge of Hadoop Architecture including YARN, HDFS, Resource Manager, Node Manager, Name Node, Data Node and MR v1 & v2 concepts. ? Experienced in importing and exporting data from sources like Machine data, MySQL, RDBMS into staging data in HDFS and Hive using SQOOP for further analysis. ? Implemented batch/Streaming processing solutions for structured/unstructured and large volume of data by using Spark streaming, Scala, Kafka and Hadoop MapReduce framework. ? Extensive experience in building hive tables in different format like parquet with compression and applied several hive optimization techniques in solving performance related issues. ? Hands on experience with complex mappings from varied transformation logics like Map, flatMap, groupBy, AggregateBy, ReduceBy, Distinct, Joins, Unconnected and Connected lookups, Router, Aggregator, Joiner, Update Strategy, Normalizer Transformation and re-usable transformations. ? Good Hands on knowledge on developing Hadoop/Spark applications on AWS EC2 machines with cluster scalability and using S3 for storage and analytics. ? Excellent understanding of object oriented concepts in Java with good programming knowledge and agile project development.