Hello, My name is Prashant S, from EngineersCubicle. We would be happy to help you on your design project. We are a group of CAD Freelancers. We specialize in creating 3D modeling design specifically for 3D printing. We are a team of experienced designers with wide range of CAD design back ground whether it is an inventors product sketch, or one of kind industrial part, we can handle anything you can think of. All our designs will be optimized for the size you intent to print as well as type of machine you intent to print on. Many of our clients have our design printed successfully at Shapeways. One of our key specialties is to model from as few as one single image and be able to extrapolate the entire 3D object or figure. We approach everything professionally and we will offer you the best pricing. Our goal is to build long term business relationship and help both of us grow our businesses. Please take a look at our website: www.engineerscubicle.com Thank you EngineersCubicle Email: engineerscubicle@gmail.com Website: www.engineerscubicle.com