9 Ecommerce Marketing Skills That Drive Success
From pay-per-click promoting to writing for a blog and from site design improvement to examination, internet business showcasing is expansive, different, and, possibly, complex. The point is to track down those exercises, advancements, and strategies that produce benefits.
Quite a while back, Practical Ecommerce distributed an article portraying the abilities basic for internet business people. The ideas were, maybe, irrational: have the option to compose, know how to learn, and be a gifted audience. These abilities were about the essential capacities that business people require.
Expanding on these abilities, here is a bunch of strategic capacities that ought to help your web based business promoting succeed.
1. Writing, Content Marketing
The ability to write is, essentially, the ability to communicate online. Every ecommerce product description, every blog post, every how-to article, every about us page, every video script is an act of writing. Done well, writing will help drive your ecommerce marketing. Done poorly it will bring laughter and embarrassment
2. Data Analysis, Analytics
Successful marketers examine facts and statistics to make good decisions about how to invest in marketing and promotion.
3. Testing and Data Collection
Closely related to interpreting and analyzing data is the ability to collect facts and statistics about your company’s marketing performance.
4. Design
Graphic and website design are online marketing fundamentals.The way an ad, an article, or even a product detail page looks can have a significant impact on how the marketing message or even the product is perceived.
5. Development
The ability to write code can be a huge advantage for marketers. This ability may be as basic as understanding HTML and CSS so that you can do a better job of posting articles in WordPress.
6. Advertising
Ecommerce advertising must be planned, created, purchased, executed, and measured. And it must be done in many channels, using many forms of media, including pay-per-click advertising on search engines and on social media sites, display advertising, native advertising, mobile advertising, video commercials, and more.
7. Email Marketing
لإعادة صياغة جمعية التسويق المباشر ، يمكن لعنوان البريد الإلكتروني أن يحددك عبر الإنترنت. إنه ، إلى حد ما ، اسمك الرقمي ، وقد يكون التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني أحد أفضل الطرق للوصول إلى عملاء التجارة الإلكترونية.
8. أتمتة التسويق
يمكن أن تقلل أتمتة التسويق من نفقات التسويق ، وتزيد من معدلات التحويل ، وتعزز متوسط قيمة الطلب ، وفي بعض الحالات ، تحسن تجربة المتسوق.
9. محرك البحث الأمثل
تحسين محرك البحث هو عملية جعل صفحات الويب الخاصة بك سهلة الوصول إليها وفهرستها. الفكرة هي أنه إذا كان بإمكان Google و Bing ومحركات البحث الأخرى العثور بسهولة على ما هو موجود على صفحتك وفهرسته ، فيمكنه بسهولة إدراج موقعك في صفحات النتائج المناسبة.