My biggest asset is determination and a severe attentive quality for perfection. I edit, proofread everything I write more than once. My published book is an accomplishment that took time, effort, creativity, determination and perseverance. I refused to give up.I strive to do my best on everything that I attempt. I love to read, study, and write many different things and I love to do well at all of them. My GPA of 3.66 attests to my efforts and to my attention to excellence.My experience as a driver who had a class A CDL adds an element of richness toward the transportation industry. My strength is in my education: BA in Eng Literature w/Honors. My high academic scores spoke highly of my ability to master the mechanics of persuasive writing. I always insisted on proofreading my spell-checker and reaching for the highest possible grades. I admit I am business minded. It is more possible that my strengths will excel in dealing with adults. I consider faith and personal integrity to