Icons and Achievements are small in stature, but designed to fit a wide range of requirements and applications. They can be created to match a variety of art styles and incorporate various Frames, Bevels, Buttons, Glass Overlays, Flat Graphics or even painterly images. ? Icons are often limited to a specific size and resolution to fit into existing formats, such as app store icons, mobile advertising, computer shortcuts or in-app navigation. Because of their condensed size and world-wide use, icons must be carefully designed to communicate their message to the customer intuitevly - with clear graphics and often times little or no text. ? Achievements are frequently used in Games to show player progress and encourage further gameplay. They can even be used for advertising and sharing on social networks. Similar to icons in their size and design, an achievement (sometimes called Badge, Trophy, Challenge, etc.) is often a simple image that hints at a specific target the player can complete. Each achievement is usually created in pairs to show the "locked" & "unlocked" states in the game. ? Flat-price Budget available - Agree a price for the total project (including two rounds of feedback adjustments) No padded hours, No Surprises.