Main Responsibilities 1.) Organize files and maintain record of GM Office (Corporate documents concerning company's govt files, car registrations, building docs, bldg permits , GM & Presidents important documents) for safekeeping. 2.) Planning and scheduling meetings and appointments of the GM & the President of the company to the Dept Heads, employees & outside clients or affiliates. 3.) Managing projects and conducting research as instructed by the GM & the President of the company. 4.) Preparing and editing correspondence, reports, and presentations submitted by the each Department before forwarding to the GM or the President of the company for final evaluation. 5.) Making travel and guest arrangements of the GM or the President of the company. 6.) Managing the day-to-day operations of the office in behalf of the GM or the President of the company most especially if the top management is out of the office for a very important meeting. 7.) Manage the flow of information to members of the executive leadership teams & the other dept concerns. 8.) Scree phonecalls, open & sort emails & summarize reports and memos that are received before passing to the GM or to the President of the company. Other/Specific Responsiblities 1.) Coordinate with the GM or the President of the company regarding plan/ schedule of appoinment inside or outside the office for reminder & calendar of activities purposes. 2.) Make sure that mtg minutes are made & properly filed in hardcopy (If necessary) & in the dropbox file for easy access. 3.) Making sure that sales DSR file is updated. 4.) Monitor SD's pcount & RSS. 5.) Check WHS pcount & process Lazada documentation as well as its costing managevment. 6.) File management auditing & staff (under her as assigned by WLC) accomplishment supervision. 7.) Supervise the daily transactions of Acctg dept in behalf of GM especially concerning in Check request & issuance. 8.) Monitor specific project of undersigned contractors (inside) the office in behalf of the GM or the President of the company. 9.) Do field work errands concerning corporated documents processing. 10.) Making sure that following docs are being attended before its expiry & deadline; Company license permit to operate, Business Renewal, DTI, Brgy Permit, SEC & other company documents needed. 11.) Ensure operations of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements, troubleshooting, maintaining equipment inventories & calling for repair assistances.