Mark C. Itskowitch, B.A., M.A., is a graphic designer and multimedia specialist with over 10 years experience in the design and development of Multimedia and the Web, and holds numerous certificates and awards in the field. He has worked for McGraw-Hill New Media, Sony Online, the NBC Agency, and is the founder of He is part of the Regional Industry Advisory Council for New Media and was on the Board of Directors in 1999 and 2000 for the San Diego Multimedia SIG, and served as President in 2001.
Mark has taught a wide range of classes and seminars in digital publishing, web design, Photoshop, Flash, Actionscripting, DreamWeaver, HTML, animation, and multimedia for over 6 years at a variety of schools(UCSD, Art Institute, Platt College, San Diego New Media Center), training centers and corporations(Sony, Fox Studios, Warner Bros., Reed Publishing, Rand Corporation, eHelp)