o•ra•tia | ô ’ra SH? | noun
1. design that communicates. {ORIGIN: based on the word orate, meaning to make a speech}
2. the creative identity of Pam Golafshar.
I’ve been a print designer for ten years now, and I've found that the thing I love most about design
is the meeting of structure and creativity, of right and left brain
symmetry. It’s a beautiful thing when a project has been labored over,
after pages of sketches are spread around the floor and it’s 3 in the
morning and my eyes are bloodshot and the music is old and I’m ready to
tear my hair out, and all of a sudden something clicks – and the ideas
suddenly float down and softly land right where they’re supposed to.
Design is all about problem-solving. Well, communication, really, but I
guess you could say it’s figuring out the best solution for how to
communicate something that’s entirely intangible: a concept; an
identity; an impression. Something that