2005 Addy Award - Bradley Memorial Hospital 'Jamaican Night' Theme materials. Have worked extensively with the following software:All Office products, (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access), Adobe Photoshop (certification), Quark XPress (certification), Adobe Premiere, Sonic Factory Sound Forge, NetObjects Fusion, Macromedia Flash, Freehand (ceritification), Fireworks, Pagemaker, FoxPro, and HTML 2, 3, 4. Designed and constructed numerous websites including Life Care Centers of America (www.lcca.com), DM White Construction (www.dmwhite.com), Sportsdeeds, Inc. (www.sportsdeeds.com), Pro Suits (www.prosuits.com), and many others. Voiceover work in numerous commercials, video presentations, multimedia presentations, television and movies. Produced and edited numerous video training presentations and television commercials.