My 25+ years of experience, creating automotive advertising for individual dealerships, dealer groups and for General Motors/Central Region make my services valuable to organizations with automotive accounts. I have designed thousands of ads... and one more for you would be the icing on the cake. I have included a few automotive ads in my portfolio. If you want to see more, please let me know. If you are ready to sit down and discuss how I can help you further with your automotive advertising, don't hesitate to ask for my resume and connect with me. The ads below are just a few more samples of my work. I work directly with client, by providing creative concepts and comps if required. When Co-Op is a factor for designing ads, you can rest assured I will meet the design requirements. You can easily rely on me to work with any of your automotive accounts with the upmost respect and professionalism. I take pride in my automotive experience and given the chance, I know your organization will feel comfortable working with me. Before you get up or move on, make sure you read what they say about me.