More than 6 years of healthcare market experience spanning a wide range of diverse roles across pharmaceutical consultancy (market analysis, business analysis and data analytics), medical writing, medico marketing, product launch, strategic management and business development.
Experienced in:
-Project execution and proposal development
-Business need analysis for the client
-Project methodology development and validation
-Quality project output by maintaining the client focused quality standards throughout the project within the projected time frame
-Medico marketing communication development
-Proactive communication with client
-Business development.
Data Analytics Experience:
-Proficient in using databases like IDdb, AdisInsights, TrialTrove, Evaluate pharma, Thomson Pharma, Knowledge Reuters, Windhover and OECD
-CDC datasets like BRFSS, NAMCS, NHANES and NHIS analysis
-Analyzing syndicated reports
-Knowledge of IARC, NORDCAN and GLOBOCAN
- Knowledge of medical journa