About Hotovaa Media Group: We are movers and shakers, storytellers and story-writers. We’re music addicts and drawing-walruses, left-side brains and right-side brains.We’re human—you won’t find droids in disguise here. And we know you are too, so we believe that every boot should be custom made to fit—no one-size-fits-all creative suggestions here either.We use human empathy with strategic planning to come up with a robust solution unique to your needs.About Tim:I am an experienced marketing consultant based in the philadelphia suburbs. I have extensive experience in multi-channel marketing strategies. I am competent in print,digital and web design. In the past I have executed top to bottom marketing campaigns completely autonomously. Emails, Web, SEO, flyers, list services, promotional and campaign management are all areas I have experience with. I have worked with many different sized companies and budgets including several small start ups to multi-billi