I am CTO & Co-Founder of NeuroBotX AI Solutions and we are specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. We have 5+ years of expertise in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing. We were mainly developing AI Solutions for local market products and Now we are looking forward to touching international clients.
My team has 5+ years of expertise include Business Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing. My team worked on projects that included a mixture of creative, algorithmic problem solving together with development across Deep Learning, Business Intelligence, and NLP with a strong theoretical, mathematical, and programming background.
For the past three years, My specialized Computer Vision team has been working on Computer Vision products and services. Some of our Computer Vision products have been successfully launched into the market with a good turn-over.
-Selfie Mask
-Magic Removal
-Guide pose
and our several other products are being developed and going to launch soon. We have targeted the market of Health and E-commerce in our upcoming products.
*Computer Vision Areas we prefer to work on:
-Facial Recognition
-Super Resolution
-3D Depth Maps
-2D/3D Pose Estimation
-2D/3D Segmentation
-3D Computer Vision
-Multiple Object Detection & Tracking
-Motion Tracking
-Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
-Style Transfer
-Image/Video Noise Reduction
-2D/3D Reconstruction
-Image/Video Captioning
-Medical Imaging
-Action Recognition
-Object Classification
-Content-Based Image Retrieval
-Video Processing
Deep Learning:-
Work Experience In:
-Recommended Systems
-Fraud Detection
-Reinforcement Learning (DQN)
Natural Language Processing:-
Work Experience In:
-WaveNet(Text to Speech Technology)
-Video Transcript Generator
-NLP Quiz Checking
-Text Generation
-Text Completion
-Documents Classifier
-Semantic Similarity for Query
-Text Summarization
-Fake News Detector
-Language Modeling
-Multi Lingual Context Similarity system