My specialty is creating and maintaining video streaming and TV broadcast systems.
I'm a developer and engineer with many specialities, but most of my business is in the areas of video streaming, video processing, and video conferencing.
I have more than 7 years of experience in working with streaming programs and equipment and developing solutions and software for streaming and broadcast As a video specialist,
I've built and managed CDNs, custom recording, encoding, transcoding, and video processing pipelines using FFmpeg, nginx-RTMP, Janus, Mediasoup, Jitsi, NDI SDK, SRT, and more.
I'm a capable developer and have often created custom apps to handle special requirements robustly, and setup servers that performed perfectly for years.
I've also reverse engineered several IPTV services with token-based stream security. I've built sophisticated systems that interface with network traffic, mail systems, torrents, video streams, and much more.