I'm here to offer my skills as a developer for any type of Alexa skill you can conjure up that they support. No matter if it's as simple as an FAQ skill or complex as a connected product skill. Here is why I know Alexa: - I have been working directly with the Amazon Alexa (Both home and custom) skills team for over a year now. - My development skills have allowed our inclusion in every beta program the Amazon has launched to date and currently working on two with them at this moment - I have a full understanding of how to best handle incoming voice request and quickly respond. - Knowledge on how to play media back to no screen/screened Alexa supported devices - Knowledge on how to correctly build your skill to handle future changes - Experience in creating better logging than what Alexa platform gives today for metrics/debugging - Experience with account linking and non-account linking skills - Experience with the Home Skill sector of Alexa - Most of all for anyone who has done this, I have extensive experience with the certification process that can be time-consuming depending on skill.