Hello! I'm Tamoor, an All-in-One WordPress SEO Expert with 3 years of experience in optimizing websites for search engines. My expertise includes a wide range of SEO techniques that help improve website rankings, increase organic traffic, and drive more conversions. I will use WHITEHAT SEO.
►OnPage Optimization:
✔Targeted Keywords
✔Title & Meta Description
✔Meta Keywords
✔Image Compression
✔H1, H2 & H3 Tags Optimization
✔Image Optimization and Alt Tags
✔Adding Keywords
✔Latest Google Algorithm
✔Audits & Reporting
✔Local Citation
✔Speed up website
►Technical Optimization
✔Competitor Analysis
✔Internal Linking
✔Google Analytics And Webmaster Setup
✔SSL Certificate (HTTPS)
✔XML Sitemap
✔404 error
✔Shcema Markup
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