Hi am Farman Haider. am a Digital Marketer and providing Digital Marketing services. am also student but part time am prefer to do work in my of digital marketing. Everyone in this world want to become a successful in his life for this purpose am start digital marketing after learning to it. Now am self dependent and earn by these services. am working in this from from 2 years and also have a great experience in this field.
: Work on meta adds such as Facebook, Instagram, TIKTOK adds
2: work on Google adds, Google tag manager, Google analytics/
3: work on off Page & on Page.
4: I can write SEO Article. I have also a great experience in content writing
5: Guest Posting services are also available at Websites having 70% to 80% DA & PA.
6: I can make logos for websites and also according to demand of my client and have experience of 2years